Rental Space
The Odd Fellows Lodge offers rental space on two levels indoors, and an outdoor picnic area. The building is handicap accessible on the 1st floor, and parking is available on-site at no additional cost. Scroll to left and right to browse through the pictures below of the space.
To book the space, please fill out this SPACE RESERVATION FORM or print and fill out the form below and email that to: and cc:
Our primary goal for renting, in addition to keeping the lights on and properly caring for this historic building, is to provide an accessible safe space for community activities that further our mission. Thus, though commercial rates for comparable spaces in the county serve as a guide, offering the space at affordable rates is our aspiration. We strive to work within the budgets of renters as we develop partnerships. You are welcome to get in touch for further information via SMS: (646) 434-8335 or call: (301) 679-3183 .